Foods that Increase Your Estrogen Level
Artichoke Asparagus Bamboo shoot Beet Brussel sprouts Cabbage Carrot Cauliflower Celery Chive Corn Cucumber Eggplant Garlic Green beans Lettuce Mustard greens Okra Onion Parsley Pea seedling Pepper (red, green, yellow, orange) Potato (all kinds) Pumpkin Radish Seaweed Shallot Spinach Tomato Turnip Yam FRUIT Apple Apricot Banana Cherry Date Grape Grapefruit Lemon Muskmelon Orange Peach Pear Pineapple Plum Strawberry Watermelon |
Barley Corn Rice Rye Wheat (bran, flour, whole) LEGUMES (BEANS) Chickpea Kidney Pea Peanut Soybean SEEDS AND NUTS Almond Cashew Coconut Pecan Pine nut Pistachio Sesame seed Sunflower seed Walnut MOST COMMON OILS Coconut Corn Linseed (flaxseed) Olive Peanut Rice bran Safflower Sesame seed Soybean Sunflower Walnut Wheat grem |