Low-Gas Foods and How to Eat Them
1. Pay attention to how you are eating.
a. Try to avoid gulping foods or eating quickly, as this may increase gas production.
b. Try not to skip meals. This allows the gastrointestinal tract to fill with air.
c. Avoid chewing gum or sucking on hard candy, which introduces lots of air into the gastrointestinal tract.
d. Avoid using a straw to drink liquids. More gasses are swallowed using straws.
2. Pay attention to what you are eating. Certain foods are gas forming. Avoid (for at least the 6-8 week trial period):
a. All raw vegetables, including salads
b. The following vegetables even if they are cooked:
i. Broccoli
ii. Brussels Sprouts
iii. Cabbage
iv. Kohlrabi
v. Leeks
vi. Onion
vii. Red/Green Pepper
viii. Pimentos
ix. Radish
x. Cauliflower
xi. Cucumber
xii. Corn
xiii. Rutabaga
xiv. Sauerkraut
xv. Scallions
xvi. Shallots
xvii. Turnip
c. Dried peas, beans, and lentils such as:
i. Black-eyed Peas
ii. Kidney Beans
iii. Lima Beans
iv. Navy Beans
v. Split Peas
vi. Lentils
d. The following fruits:
i. Unpeeled Apples
ii. Avocados
iii. Cantaloupe
iv. Honeydew Melon
v. Prunes
vi. Watermelon
e. Miscellaneous foods:
i. Beer
ii. Hard-Boiled Eggs
iii. Nuts
iv. Popcorn
v. Seeds
vi. Soft Drinks
vii. Wheat Germ
3. Choose the following foods:
a. Vegetables to choose, cooked:
i. Asparagus
ii. Beets
iii. Carrots
iv. Green Beans
v. Yellow Beans
vi. Green Peas
vii. Mushrooms
viii. Potato
ix. Sweet Potato
x. Spinach
xi. Squash
xii. Pumpkin
xiii. Zucchini
b. Fruits to choose:
i. Canned Fruit
ii. Peeled Apples
iii. Soft, Ripe Banana
iv. Grapefruit
v. Kiwi
vi. Nectarine
vii. Orange
viii. Peach
ix. Pear
a. Try to avoid gulping foods or eating quickly, as this may increase gas production.
b. Try not to skip meals. This allows the gastrointestinal tract to fill with air.
c. Avoid chewing gum or sucking on hard candy, which introduces lots of air into the gastrointestinal tract.
d. Avoid using a straw to drink liquids. More gasses are swallowed using straws.
2. Pay attention to what you are eating. Certain foods are gas forming. Avoid (for at least the 6-8 week trial period):
a. All raw vegetables, including salads
b. The following vegetables even if they are cooked:
i. Broccoli
ii. Brussels Sprouts
iii. Cabbage
iv. Kohlrabi
v. Leeks
vi. Onion
vii. Red/Green Pepper
viii. Pimentos
ix. Radish
x. Cauliflower
xi. Cucumber
xii. Corn
xiii. Rutabaga
xiv. Sauerkraut
xv. Scallions
xvi. Shallots
xvii. Turnip
c. Dried peas, beans, and lentils such as:
i. Black-eyed Peas
ii. Kidney Beans
iii. Lima Beans
iv. Navy Beans
v. Split Peas
vi. Lentils
d. The following fruits:
i. Unpeeled Apples
ii. Avocados
iii. Cantaloupe
iv. Honeydew Melon
v. Prunes
vi. Watermelon
e. Miscellaneous foods:
i. Beer
ii. Hard-Boiled Eggs
iii. Nuts
iv. Popcorn
v. Seeds
vi. Soft Drinks
vii. Wheat Germ
3. Choose the following foods:
a. Vegetables to choose, cooked:
i. Asparagus
ii. Beets
iii. Carrots
iv. Green Beans
v. Yellow Beans
vi. Green Peas
vii. Mushrooms
viii. Potato
ix. Sweet Potato
x. Spinach
xi. Squash
xii. Pumpkin
xiii. Zucchini
b. Fruits to choose:
i. Canned Fruit
ii. Peeled Apples
iii. Soft, Ripe Banana
iv. Grapefruit
v. Kiwi
vi. Nectarine
vii. Orange
viii. Peach
ix. Pear