This Anti-aging Hormone is Largely Affected by Mineral Status
In this paper on the anti-aging hormone IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor 1), the role of zinc, selenium and magnesium in determining levels of IGF-1 is reviewed. Magnesium deficiency may down regulate IGF-1, according to the authors, via its role in reducing inflammatory enzymes. When magnesium is low, inflammation is high and anabolic hormones such as IGF-1 are down regulated. With respect to selenium, the authors propose a mechanistic link to IGF-1 via selenium’s role in converting thyroid hormone into its bioactive form. As thyroid hormone is reduced, a feedback system then down regulates growth hormone and IGF-1, linking selenium deficiency to its clinical presentation of muscle wasting. Finally, the link between zinc deficiency and reduced IGF-1 is thoroughly explored citing zinc’s role in quelling inflammation as a proposed mechanism for increasing IGF-1.
(Nutrients, October 2013) Web. 03 September. 2014.
(Nutrients, October 2013) Web. 03 September. 2014.