Heart Rate Variability Analysis (HRV)
Heart Rhythm Patterns reflect Fitness, Health, Aging and Illness
Measuring the heart rate as a significant indicator of one's state of health has been around for hundreds of years. What appears to be a steady beat of, for example, 80 beats per minute, is in fact not steady. Decades of research has determined that, the more variability there is, the more fit and healthy the person. Two people with a heart rate of 80 beats per minute could differ enormously in their state of health depending upon their personal heart rate variability. Additionally, the degree of variability that exists was also found to be reflective of one's autonomic balance and degree of homeostasis. In healthy individuals, heart rate varies constantly as a means to adapt to internal and external stress. Heart rate automatically adjusts for stress from emotional conflict, heavy metal toxicity, hidden dental distress, allergies, respiration, metabolic changes, thermoregulation, physical exertions and long-term diurnal and endocrine cycles.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) controls over 90% of the body's actions, interfacing with all other systems of the body, and its assessment mirrors the body's regulatory efforts. The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Analysis is an established, non-invasive electrophysiology test that measures key indicators of the ANS, the automatic ‘software of survival’ that regulates every aspect of your health, including digestion, respiration, heart beats, blood pressure and brain waves. Every organ and gland in your body is regulated by the ANS, and its degree of balance or imbalance is directly related to your degree of health and well-being.. The modulation of heart rate is primarily the result of alterations of the ANS as represented by the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) for your ability to relax, repair, digest, eliminate and sleep, and the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) for fight or flight mode; in essence, how well we move through life
We resemble an automobile driving through this obstacle course of life, so to speak. How efficiently do we use our accelerator and gas pedal (SNS Response), how good are our brakes (PNS Recovery), how well do we maneuver around traffic (Adaptability) and what is the wear and tear rate in doing so (Resilience)? People are either healthy or sick to varying degrees. Health and illness exist on a continuum and HRV Analysis is a proven, acceptable and reliable means of measuring where one falls on that continuum.
Benefits of HRV Testing
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Measuring the heart rate as a significant indicator of one's state of health has been around for hundreds of years. What appears to be a steady beat of, for example, 80 beats per minute, is in fact not steady. Decades of research has determined that, the more variability there is, the more fit and healthy the person. Two people with a heart rate of 80 beats per minute could differ enormously in their state of health depending upon their personal heart rate variability. Additionally, the degree of variability that exists was also found to be reflective of one's autonomic balance and degree of homeostasis. In healthy individuals, heart rate varies constantly as a means to adapt to internal and external stress. Heart rate automatically adjusts for stress from emotional conflict, heavy metal toxicity, hidden dental distress, allergies, respiration, metabolic changes, thermoregulation, physical exertions and long-term diurnal and endocrine cycles.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) controls over 90% of the body's actions, interfacing with all other systems of the body, and its assessment mirrors the body's regulatory efforts. The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Analysis is an established, non-invasive electrophysiology test that measures key indicators of the ANS, the automatic ‘software of survival’ that regulates every aspect of your health, including digestion, respiration, heart beats, blood pressure and brain waves. Every organ and gland in your body is regulated by the ANS, and its degree of balance or imbalance is directly related to your degree of health and well-being.. The modulation of heart rate is primarily the result of alterations of the ANS as represented by the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) for your ability to relax, repair, digest, eliminate and sleep, and the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) for fight or flight mode; in essence, how well we move through life
We resemble an automobile driving through this obstacle course of life, so to speak. How efficiently do we use our accelerator and gas pedal (SNS Response), how good are our brakes (PNS Recovery), how well do we maneuver around traffic (Adaptability) and what is the wear and tear rate in doing so (Resilience)? People are either healthy or sick to varying degrees. Health and illness exist on a continuum and HRV Analysis is a proven, acceptable and reliable means of measuring where one falls on that continuum.
Benefits of HRV Testing
- Evaluate the current activity of both branches of the autonomic nervous system (hyper-hypo function / excessive-insufficient)
- Assess how hard you are working to maintain or deal with your current state of health and stress load.
- Document the impact of illness, dysfunction, and physical and emotional stress
- Track the effects of medications, supplements, and other therapies
- Measure and monitor fitness and performance
- Customize and optimize therapeutic protocols
- Follow your rate of aging
- Analyze for early detection and intervention of diseases
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Contact Us today to schedule your Wellness visit and HRV!